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The Village Public Model School Sooianwala

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

An old photo of early days

Islamabad Tour: Lake View Park

Teacher training

Annual Prize Distribution

Shakarparian: Islamabad Tour

Islamabad Tour: Faisal Mosque

Fun Fair Program

Fun Fair Program

Annual Prize Distribution

Annual Prize Distribution

Annual Prize Distribution

2017: Farewell Party

2017: Farewell Party

Co-curricular Activities


Bazm-e-Adab is a regular and comprehensive mode of activity. Basic purpose of this activity is to promote the moral, intellectual and leadership quality in students. This thing is made possible by more and more participation of students in planning, organizing and advertising of these programs. Students are also nicely guided by teachers and senior students. In this way they get an environment for developing an attitude to think good and finally do best for promotion of this country and glory of Islam. This Bazm-e-Adab is organized on selected date. Tilawat-e-Quran, Naats and special speech (on current moral issues) in the light of Quran and sunnah are the main events of it. Students are promoted to include this activity. The students who are more dynamic in these exercises can also be included into the bazme-e-adab committee. Bazme-e-adab committee alongside the teachers organize programs on various events.

Outdoor Toors

Once in a year we take our students to the open air visits. These visits enable our students to think about the notable historic structures in Pakistan. These trips help understudies to take out themselves from the weight of the study and give them a decent amusement.

Funfair Shows

These shows are held once in a year for the amusement of the students. Students take part in this show. These shows are a great source to provoke the abilities of the students. Teachers help understudies to set up these shows. Parents are also invited in these shows.